Leicester City’s Our LCFC Champions

Press Release
08 Jun 2020
2 Minutes
After receiving more than 200 truly inspiring nominations, Leicester City are delighted to recognise the Football Club’s Our LCFC Champions.

- Our LCFC Champions campaign recognises those who have gone above and beyond during the coronavirus pandemic
- Over two-hundred nominations were received by the Club
- Every single nominee received a special video message of thanks from Brendan Rodgers

Last month, Foxes fans were invited to nominate themselves or fellow members of the Blue Army who had gone the extra mile, or made personal sacrifices, to enrich the lives of others through acts of kindness during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Club were inundated with nominations from supporters across the world, ranging from key workers to NHS staff, to individuals who had gone above and beyond to help their communities and more.

Each nominee received a special video message from First Team Manager Brendan Rodgers thanking them for their wonderful efforts.

Examples of some of the amazing nominations received are below. 

Rich Wallis

Rich Wallis (50) is an Armed Forces veteran and a volunteer driver for the NHS. He works Monday to Friday (and we’re sure he’d work weekends too if he could!) but is constrained to the working times of Hospital Pharmacy Services at Glenfield Hospital.

His normal duties pre-pandemic would include collecting patients to and from hospital appointments, but due to Covid-19 his time is now spent delivering medicines to patients countywide.

He thoroughly enjoys his time volunteering as he gets to meet patients, new and old, and over recent weeks has been delivering urgent medical supplies and driving up to 160 miles a day.

Rich is a happy individual who loves to interact with people, (socially distanced, of course!) especially the vulnerable and isolated members of society who would not otherwise be able to access their medication due to poor health or disability.

I believe he goes above and beyond volunteering his time for Leicester’s Hospitals, just as he did while fighting for Queen and Country.

Harry Gagin

Harry is seven years-old, and along with his eight-year-old best friend Reuben, have raised over £3,000 for the NHS by completing a seven-day fitness challenge.

They both ran for two miles or cycled for four miles every day for seven consecutive days! They appeared on BBC Radio Leicester to discuss their efforts, while the whole village we live in all clapped them on their last activity, it was a lovely moment.

Harry is a lifelong Leicester City supporter and has been on the King Power Stadium pitch with his football team, Lutterworth Athletic FC – Typhoons, and has watched the Foxes play several times.

The boys’ fundraising efforts can be viewed here, along with a video of their challenge.

Alfie Carrol

Alfie turned 10 years-old on 14 April and wanted to use his birthday money to do some good during the current climate.

He purchased some keyrings to decorate and set up a little stall at the end of our drive.

After spending two weeks decorating them, he started to sell his keyrings to raise money for the NHS – making an amazing £505!

He sat outside whatever the weather, greeting passers-by and neighbours, and has worked ever so hard.

A total of £350 has already gone to NHS charities, with the remaining amount to be given to our local hospital to create a care package.

We are so proud of Alfie for working so hard and giving something back!

Kane Lucas

My husband Kane is a firefighter at Eastern Fire Station in Leicester, and during this time they have been making and distributing visors to the NHS, care staff and key workers.

Kane and his colleagues have been working tirelessly to fundraise and, have been searching for companies willing to donate the supplies needed to meet their demand and continue making the visors.

He is an avid Leicester City supporter and has been a season ticket holder for many years. To get this recognition from the Club would be such an honour.

The Football Club would like to thank everyone for their hard work, kindness, and generosity during this pandemic.