Foster the Future

Weekly Mentoring Sessions Benefit Community Participant

Foster the Future, Leicester City’s children in care programme, joined young people from Leicester City in the Community's Young Carers programme for a multi-sport session at LCFC Training Ground.

- Ralphy, a Foster the Future participant, has seen significant improvement in school engagement thanks to Leicester City in the Community
- Foster the Future sees LCitC’s Targeted Interventions teamwork with children in care to give them support and opportunities
- Ralphy has been involved with the Club’s charitable arm since January 2023
- LCFC Training Ground played host to hundreds of Leicester City in the Community participants during the off-season

Participants have been telling their story of how the charity has helped them during sessions at LCFC Training Ground and one young person has seen excellent progress in both school and at home due to weekly mentoring.

Ralphy was introduced to Leicester City in the Community Targeted Interventions Coach, Georgia, back in January 2023; tapping into his character and similar personalities between the pair has brought the best out of the die-hard Leicester City fan.

Paula, Ralphy’s carer, commented on the difference that Leicester City in the Community has made to him and to children in care.

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Foster The Future
Foster The Future

Ralphy with Targeted Interventions Coach, Georgia, inside Seagrave.

“I think it’s [the programme] fantastic for the children,” stated Paula. “Ralphy’s confidence is 100 per cent better than when he first started on the programme. He will stand up for himself and he is quite independent boy, which is marvellous.

“Ralphy took part in varied sports down Saffron Lane, and it made me cry because he never would have done that before.”

Sitting inside the Press Lounge, situated inside the picturesque LCFC Training Ground dome, Paula added about how consistent sessions with Targeted Interventions Mentor Georgia have been key.

“He really opens up to Georgia because he feels comfortable with her and she is a really kind person. He would have never come on trips without Georgia; I cannot speak highly enough of the programme and the opportunities they have for children. Being at Seagrave is right up his street – he is football mad and loves it!”

Ralphy is diagnosed with ADHD and struggles with change, but regular weekly visits from Georgia have significantly boosted him.

Upon his second visit to LCFC Training Ground, Ralphy said: “Leicester City are the best team in the world. It is good to be here, and I enjoy it because Georgia is here; she is my favourite. She is fun and takes me on all of these trips.

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Foster The Future
Foster The Future

Taking part in activities in the indoor dome at LCFC Training Ground.

Alongside his weekly sessions, Ralphy has been on trips to West Midlands Safari Park, Gulliver’s Kingdom and a stadium tour around King Power Stadium, meeting James Justin and Hamza Choudhury at a Halloween themed event on Filbert Way.

He also took part in Football Camps at Charnwood College earlier this year – all of which has put him out of his comfort zone meeting new people – which Ralphy has flourished with.

“I can talk to Georgia about things that at times is hard to tell others,” he added. “I talk more in class and sit down and try to do my work.

“I am much better at Maths and writing through practice with Premier League Primary Stars, and I stay in the classroom a lot more and listen to teachers.”

Participants young and old from all over our region descended upon Seagrave, which played host to a series of events and sessions at the impressive training base during the off-season.

For more details on Leicester City in the Community’s work with children in care please contact Targeted Interventions Mentor Georgia Amison at




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