Stadium Expansion

Next Steps

Leicester City Football Club has submitted its hybrid planning application to Leicester City Council for the proposed development of the King Power Stadium site.

Now the application is submitted, Leicester City Council will validate it before carrying out its own statutory consultation. This will afford the public further opportunities to comment on the details of the application.

Following determination of the application, LCFC will review the timing of the project. Summer 2024 is the earliest possible completion date for the East Stand, with other buildings to follow. The new East Stand and site masterplan will be included in a single hybrid planning application.

Have your say

The deadline for pre-application feedback passed on Thursday 2 September. All feedback received is being considered by the project team and will help shape our plans. We will report back on how we have responded to community and stakeholder comments and summarise our findings and activities in a Statement of Community Engagement report. The Council will hold its own statutory consultation before the application is determined by planning committee next year.


King Power Stadium Consultation Webinar

On 25 August, 2021, a public consultation took place over webinar concerning the proposed expansion of King Power Stadium and development of the surrounding area.


Leicester City Crest





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