There are treatment and examination rooms at the training complex with access at all times during coaching and games, with the Club Doctor on call 24/7.
Upon entry into the Academy programme, players will be taken through a medical screening process. This involves completion of a simple health questionnaire, then players are given a medical examination by the Club Doctor and Chartered Physiotherapist.
This is to establish baseline measurements and to identify if any individual prehabilitation exercises are required. The Under-15s to Under-21s age groups also have the offer of cardiac screening. This is to see if there are any risk factors for heart problems that may be exacerbated with intense exercise.
If a parent has concerns with this issue they are welcome to discuss it with the Club Doctor by calling the department on 0116 2915263.
Full medical records are kept within the medical department with screening, treatments and rehabilitation programmes detailed. These are confidential but any issues or concerns can be discussed with the medical staff.
The department operates a “self-referral” system. This means players can request assessment by attending the treatment area at their usual training day and time.
Treatment and assessment clinics take place seven days a week. Appointments with the Club Doctor can be arranged by speaking to one of the physiotherapy staff or call the department on 0116 291 5263.